Visual Artist
In samenwerking met osbs Kameleon school, kinderen en de ouders uit de vogelbuurt, Christine Saalfeld [...]
January 2012, together with creatives, residents from Bloemhof and Woonstad Rotterdam a working group was [...]
De bedoeling van het verblijf was het Rotterdamse concept van Tentakel naar München te brengen. [...]
Galerie artoxin, München, April 2016presenting drawings and sculptures [...]
Bare House, initiated and curated by Annu Wilenius [2009 – 2015] During a two-month residency [...]
Während meines Artist in Residence Aufenthalts in Duisburg/Marxloh (2012) wurden bei einer Bürgerbefragung die Punkte [...]
Kruid & Kunst was een initiatief van Christine Saalfeld. Als eigenaar van een tuinhuis op volkstuinvereniging [...]
Experiments with felt inspired by a trip to Mongolia. [...]
The idea for the residence period was to develop work for the exhibition and publication [...]
(The Tears Tree), sketch and scale model for a permanent installation, Schiedam 2010 The Tears [...]