Christine Saalfeld, Collage with old family photos

Tekenen in het AZC Rotterdam

A man from Bagdad tells about his desire to see and smell the streets of Bagdad once again.

When he was 3 years old he left Bagdad. Meanwhile he is living since 17 jears in refugy camps. (Rotterdam 2020)


Getting advice. (Rotterdam, 2020)

A man from Syria tells about his home city. Sinds 7 years he is waiting for his residence permission. (Rotterdam, 2020)

Woman from Syria got her residence permission and knows that she will live in Dordrecht. (Rotterdam, 2020)

A young woman from Damascus describes the most beautiful places in Syria. She is waiting for her residence permission. She deeply misses her two children. (Rotterdam, 2020)

A girl tells why she would like to have one of my drawings. (Rotterdam, 2020)

Getting more advice. (Rotterdam, 2020)

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